Pastor Brian's Blog

The Ministry Activities of Harvest Christian Center and some personal stuff from Brian and Heather

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Location: Cantonment, Florida, United States

Everyone who knows me loves me, except for the people who hate me.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Recently someone shared with me how they had sort-of "backslid" some over the last few months, but they had been restored. This person never fell completely off the gospel ship, they were just hanging over the edge of the boat by the rail! I was thinking how amazing God's grace is. This person was asking me could they continue to see God fulfill their dreams even though they had made some serious errors...what a joy it was to assure them that the Lord forgives and his true people forgive. I rejoice in the God of restoration who doesn't look at our past, but looks at the incredible future He has for us that we cannot even begin to imagine. I told this person how the Lord had prompted me to pray for them during this time, similar to the way Jesus prayed to the Father that Satan would not be successful in sifting Peter. As I spoke to this person I sensed the Holy Spirit say to me "This is what my church is about." Restoring broken lives, repairing torn relationships, and speaking power into the lives of the downtrodden who will become the victorious liberators of the captives. This is the church in all its glory. Making disciples, following Jesus the King. Who have you encouraged this week?