Pastor Brian's Blog

The Ministry Activities of Harvest Christian Center and some personal stuff from Brian and Heather

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Location: Cantonment, Florida, United States

Everyone who knows me loves me, except for the people who hate me.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Your Significance in the Eyes of God

Last Sunday during morning worship, I spontaneously, between songs began to speak about your significance in the eyes of God. Isn't it amazing that our heavenly Father loves us so much, finds us so significant to the point that He would send His very best gift...Jesus to die for us. He died because He cares so much about each person that He made it possible for each of us to know Him by the shed Blood of Christ which washes away the sins of all who will accept this incredible gift.

So many people are confused. They believe that the "god" they serve is so hateful, he has so little respect for his own creation that he would find pleasure in the slaughter of those who do not serve him. Even some "Christians" believe that our God is so weak that He would need us to kill abortion practitioners in the name of God... This is not the God of the Bible. The God of scripture respects life so much, finds the life of each person who would read this post to be so significant, that He died for us in order to preserve life.

Wherever you find yourself in life today, remember, Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life. A plan to prosper you and to give you a hope and a future. A plan to one day bless you in ways that He says our minds cannot even imagine. You are valuavble in the sight of God. Come and find out how to put this great Love to use in your life today.